A Helper On Men Women Relationship

Saturday, April 14, 2007
10 Ways To Add Happiness To A Couple Relationship
by: David Richards

Relationships, especially couple relationships, can be trying at times, but it's not hard to be a happy couple. Below are 10 simple, everyday ways to keep things fresh and good.

1. Make eye contact with each other. Eye contact should be made especially

a. when you are discussing something serious and
b. when you say those three little words. Come on, you know what I'm talking about!

2. Never forget to put your beloved first. Be ready to drop everything for him or her at any time. Remind yourself time after time how blessed you are.

3. Make sure you tell them how important they are to you. This is simple yet an easy thing to forget.

4. Don't take anything for granted. Remember, you two are soul mates, and you don't find soul mates every day because it is not easy to find. There is a good reason you two are together, so don't forget how special that is.

5. Keep up the physical contact with each other. When you come home from a long day at work, remember to give your partner a big hug. You don't even have to say anything at all. Physical contact helps us to remind how we feel about each other, without having to use words to express it.

6. When you have a tough and stressful day, leave the day's stresses behind. Cool down; time spent with your partner should be relaxing. It should be the best time of the day; the time you look forward to.

7. Find out what are your dreams as well as your partner's dreams. Share these with each other. This will help to draw you together. You should always be honest about what you want out of life and your relationship. If you don't say it, how can he or she know?

8. Give each other gifts for no reason. You would be amazed what a boost this gives to a relationship between man and woman. When they ask you what it is, just tell them that you thought of them when you saw the thing you purchased.

9. Always be supportive to your partner. Tell them clearly that whatever trials and troubles they have, you will be there by their side. Weathering the storm together will strengthen your love, make it stronger. Knowing that nothing will break you apart. also gives you confidence,

10. Listen men: Opening the door for her is always a good thing to do as well as compliment her new hairdo or clothes. Remember to keep the toilet seat down.

Somebody will that such things sound insignificant. If you are among them, you need to keep this list in your breast pocket and get to studying it!

About The Author
David Richards likes to give his readers Self development information and articles. You can read more at http://www.1st-self-improvement.net.

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posted by Norhayati @ 1:55 AM  
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