Friday, March 30, 2007 |
Ten Starter Tips for Romance Every Day of the Year |
by: Lorraine Lamont
Wondering how to be romantic and creative with your partner or date? Perhaps you are single and interested in dating someone and want to show your interest. Maybe you are in a committed relationship and feeling burdened by work and don’t have time nor the funds to whip up a second honeymoon. Either way, you care about your partner and would like to show it, but may not have a clue as to what you should be doing. Good news! I am here to provide some romantic suggestions that work for both genders. Once you read a few, you’ll be able to come up with your own ideas – inexpensive, more original than flowers, more memorable than a Rolex – and suitable for every day of the year.
1. Grocery shopping for dinner with a new date? Remember what he or she likes, then plan to have some of the same items on hand for your next visit. Hold hands at the checkout counter.
2. In a traffic jam? Even if you two are simply waiting for the light to change in the car or crossing the street, lean over and give a kiss. You’ll get a smile a response.
3. Busy schedule? Meet your mate at the door with his/her slippers, bathrobe, and a soothing drink.
3a. Same as number 3, but add wearing your own slippers, bathrobe, etc.
4. Little spontaneous notes can be packed in with lunches, placed near the coffee pot, left on a pillow, even taped to the bathroom mirror.
5. Always unlock the car door for your partner. If you are the driver, open the passenger door first. If you are seated in the car, reach over and unlock the other door.
6. Can’t afford a romantic getaway? Enjoy a cozy evening at home – just the two of you - and PLAN one. There is much fun to be had in the planning. You’ll see.
7. Call him/her when you witness or think of something funny during your day. (Note: don’t have a cell phone? It is time to get one.)
8. Share a picnic. If the weather isn’t cooperating, spread a blanket and big, fluffy pillow on the living room floor and have a picnic there!
9. At least once a day, find a reason to thank your partner. Whether it is for taking you on a date, taking out the garbage, being your best friend, or simply just for making you smile, say thank you.
10. Sit or play outside together. It doesn’t have to be a sunset cruise to be memorable. You don’t have to climb Mt. Everest for excitement. Let nature take its course. It is easy as gazing at the stars.
The above covers only a fraction of the possibilities. It should, however, be enough to get you started. Try a few. You’ll find that you come up with your own ideas easily. Best of all, your relationship will stay fresh and be enhanced as well. So, let’s get creative, shall we? Here’s to your romance!Labels: romance every day |
posted by Norhayati @ 8:17 AM  |
Feng Shui and Romance - Using the Ancient Art to Enhance Your Romantic Space |
“If your love life needs a quick boost, you can use the art of placement to produce the romantic results you desire.” Heidi Richards
Feng Shui (pronounced fung shway) is the ancient Asian practice of object arrangement and space planning designed to bring balance, harmony and well-being to your environment. Its purpose is to enhance prosperity, creative, health and romance. Feng Shui fortifies a home with positive energy known as chi. The attainment of positive chi is both an art and a blessing to those who manifest that chi. The word “feng” means wind and “shui” means water, each one associated with a good harvest and ultimate good health or good fortune.
If your love life needs a quick boost, you can use the art of placement to produce the romantic results you desire. Relationships need the proper environment to grow. They need the balance of the five elements, too much or too little will find the romance wither. Here are some Feng Shui tips to enhance your romantic space:
The first thing you must do is remove clutter out of your romance area (generally this is the bedroom). That means you must remove trash, dirty ashtrays, dead plants and nothing should be stored under the bed. Dust and cobwebs on the fans, walls, light fixtures and ceilings should be cleaned away.
Enhance your space with romance colors, such as shades of pinks, reds and whites. Guys, this does not mean it has to be feminine. You can use maroon, grayish tones of pinks and whites to achieve the same results. The key is to not use any one color so much that it overpowers the others. Other good colors include browns, beiges, lavenders, yellows and deeper shades of those are appropriate.
If you keep flowers in the room (an excellent way to attract romance into your life), make sure they are always fresh. At the first sign of wilting, toss them out. Silk flowers are an okay alternative, provided they are free of dust. Absolutely no dried flowers as they signify death. Also, make sure the roses are de-thorned. Nothing prickly such as cactus, unless your goal is to break-up.
In Feng Shui a Relationship Alter positively stimulates a relationship. Designate a special place in your romance area in which to put items that will encourage a healthy, loving relationship. Things to include in your relationship altar can include a heart shaped pink crystal quartz, a pair of candles, mandarin ducks. Use the Pairs Principle to encourage love. That means two candles, two nightstands, two lights on top, two potted plants, two pillows, two chairs, etc. The Chinese symbol for love is Mandarin ducks. They signify love, romance, fidelity, affection, and loyalty in love.
Your bed should be placed in the commanding position of the room. This is to permit the widest possible vision. The door or entry to the room should be easily seen from the bed. And the head of the bed should be against a wall or against a corner. If you have nightstands, make sure one is on either side (a pair) and that the bed is accessible on three sides to attract and keep a partner. The bed should not be placed under a window.
The bedroom is for sleep and intimacy. No one should come into your room without your invitation. There should be no distractions such as workout equipment, a television, things that would remind you of work. It is good to hang pink (heart-shaped) crystals and wind chimes in a sunny window to attract good love energy (yang).
Pictures of you as a child, your children or other relatives should also be removed from the bedroom or romance area. This space should be reserved for couples and should only display pictures of the two of you. Dim lights will give the room a warm, inviting feeling. No harsh fluorescents or high wattage lighting, here.
While this is by no means the ultimate guide to Feng Shui for Romance, it is a good start. These ten tips will give your relationship area the boost it deserves and your romance the fulfillment it requires. Altar your space and you will altar your love life.Labels: feng shui romance |
posted by Norhayati @ 7:31 AM  |
5 Ways To Keep Romance Alive – On A Budget |
Just about everyone agrees that a nice dinner and a good bottle of wine at a quiet, intimate restaurant will set the mood for romance, but have you seen the price tag? Not everyone can afford to spend big money on romance ever time, but a bit of creativity can get the same results without breaking the bank.
While most people know about ‘his and hers’ items like bathrobes and towels, there are a number of other items that can be enjoyed together as ‘couples’ items. Try getting matching T-shirts with cute sayings on them. Have matching his and hers overnight bags, coffee mugs, bicycles, cell phones, cars, holiday ornaments, tennis rackets, rocking chairs and even matching carved pumpkins on Halloween.
Surprise your partner by making the ordinary a little more special. If he or she is enjoying a good book, remove the bookmark and replace it with a note that says, “I bet you’ll never guess where I’ve hidden your bookmark.” If they always turn the TV on when they come home from work, tape a note on the television that says, “Wouldn’t you rather turn me on?” instead.
Making important memories is one way to be romantic on a budget. Challenge your partner to remember the most romantic kiss that you’ve seen in a movie. This will lead to some discussion about romantic kisses and should enhance the mood. As a surprise, buy that movie one day and try to recreate that special romantic kiss! Keep it in a special place and re-watch it whenever the mood strikes. If you can’t agree on the single most romantic kiss, go ahead and create a top five list. This tip works for anything. The top five most romantic songs. The top five most romantic movies. The top five most romantic books. You see the pattern. Make sure to go ahead and buy the books, songs, movies or whatever so you can use them in the future.
If you want to plan the ultimate romantic evening but funds are low or you simply don’t want to have to leave the house, shut down the electricity and imitate a power outage (it’s up to you whether or not you tell him or her!). You won’t have any distractions or heat, so it is up to both of you to keep the other warm and entertain each other.
It’s hard to find anyone who doesn’t enjoy an Oreo cookie. Take an Oreo (or generic version of one), scratch the top of the cookie until smooth and then scratch a heart and your initials into the smooth surface. You can also make your own cookies and create personal messages. Another version is to make your own cupcakes and frost them with special messages in red icing. You can also give your spouse a true treat and track down a box of his or her favorite Girl Scout cookie.
These 5 simple ideas are sure to warm up any relationship. Don’t be afraid to try simple tips and changes to “routines” to spice things up without having it cost a fortune!
by: Jeff RoseLabels: romance tips |
posted by Norhayati @ 7:23 AM  |
Friday, March 23, 2007 |
First Date Tips For Guys & Girls |
Do you believe there is an amazing partner out there for you? Or do you believe that you've already met your prefect paramour and all you've got to do is navigate the choppy waters of that all important first date to get the show on the road? I live in the centre of the universe (London) but the rules of the dating game are the same wherever you live, and if you follow my tips and advice, then it's a game that you're going to win.
1) Be confident (and if you don’t feel confident – act it!) – women love confidence in a man, they find this incredibly sexy.
2) Take charge and revel in your masculine energy; ladies love to relax on dates knowing that you have organised all the details. It's up to you to decide where to go, book a table etc.
3) Ask her questions about herself that allow her to open up; listen intently and make sure you nod, um and arrhhh in all the right places.
4) If you really like the girl, take her flowers on the first date (the bigger the bunch the more points you score!) Women love romance so if you can romance a lady, then you're already at first base.
5) Be attentive to her needs, make sure she is not too hot/ cold, that she has a drink etc; women notice small details like that.
6) Look at her as much as you can (no ogling though!); women love attention and they like to feel like they are being admired.
7) If you can afford it, pay for her on the first date. You don't have to go anywhere expensive - a local gastro-pub will do. But don't come across a bit of a meanie as first impressions last.
8) Take her somewhere on a first date that encourages conversation - perhaps for meal and a nice glass of wine - but in a bar or restaurant that isn't too noisy. Remember, if you go somewhere like the cinema or a football match, then you wont be able to chat and get to know each other.
9) Women always look at shoes, be sure yours reflect the right image!
10) A great smell can make a lasting impression. I have often heard women talk about a guy's after-shave so make sure you stock up on the CK1!
1) Wait for a guy to ask you out – this may sound old fashioned but men love the chase, allow yourself to be pursued and enjoy it.
2) Allow him to book a table, open doors, pay you compliments, pay for the meal etc; give him control of the first date!
3) Be happy and be the type of person that men want to be with; radiate good energy, smile and your date will be all the more entranced.
4) Approach the date with the aim of having fun; forget about whether he is Mr Right and focus on just enjoying yourself and having a good time.
5) Compliment a man, the things he is doing for you, the choice of meal etc – men love this.
6) Take an interest in HIS interests. Don't just talk about yourself and what you like to do.
7) Don't mention your 'ex'! There'll come a time in any relationship when both of you will talk about your past relationships. Unless the guy specifically brings up the subject, a first date really isn't the time.
8) Turn your mobile 'phone off. If you're taking calls from your friends or reading texts, your date will soon lose interest. Only keep your phone switched on if you're expecting a VERY important call.
9) If the guy has invited you out for a meal, be careful how much you spend on his credit card. You don't necessarily have to choose the cheapest items on the menu, but don't order lobster and Champagne either. If a man invites you out for dinner on a first date, don't use it as an excuse to indulge yourself in a way that you wouldn't do if you were paying for yourself.
10) Say thank you - in fact you should say it twice; at the end of the date as you're saying goodnight and then either in a follow-up 'phone call or by text message the next day. Even if you don't want to see him again (in which case, thank him by text!), you don't want to give him the impression that you have no manners.
By: Jon WhiteLabels: dating tips, dating tips for men, dating tips for women |
posted by Norhayati @ 12:27 AM  |
Saturday, March 17, 2007 |
How to Make a Man Feel Loved |
Making a man feel loved is really fairly easy. It is much easier to please a man than for him to please you in fact.I know it sounds crazy but men are pretty straight forward.
Men want to be appreciated and respected. Even if you are in a relationship where both of you work, he still needs to hear that you appreciate how hard he is working.
And if he does something around the house, let him know that you noticed and are grateful for his help and support. The more you let him know that you truly appreciate all he does for you, the more he will be willing to do. Make sense?
Men especially need to feel needed. This is particularly true if you make more money than he does.
Men show affection through their actions more than by an outpouring of romantic words. You can do the same for him. Yes, tell him that you love him but also show him.
Make him or order in his favorite meal, every once in a while. There is a reason they say that a way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Just like providing for you is hard wired into him, the idea of a woman cooking a meal still has universal appeal. There is something very loving about providing a meal.
If he has a particular passion show an interest in it. Buy him the fishing pole he has been eyeing or actually sit down and watch a game with him. Let him know that you have been listening and actually care about what interests him. And if he is going through a tough time, listen and support him.
Showing a man that you love him means just that. Love letters and proclamations of love may be the way to your heart but a back massage and a well cooked steak may be the way to his.
How to Make Your Man Feel Good
Making your man feel good is not difficult at all. Do the things that most women won't and you are 90% ahead of the game and no I am not talking about bedroom acrobatics here.
Despite the fact that most magazines make it seem as if you need to memorize the kama sutra to keep your guy happy, there are easier more subtle ways to keep him satisfied.
How to Make Your Man Feel Good - Listening 101
Actually listen to what he has to say. Don't just sit there waiting for a pause in the conversation so that you can get your two cents in. Really take an interest in his interests.
How to Make Your Man Feel Good - Quiet the Nag
Don't bombard him with a dozen questions or chores when he gets home from work. These things are much more likely to get done if you don't nag him about it. Let him relax for a half an hour before bringing up anything unpleasant.
How to Make Your Man Feel Good - Put down the Bon Bons
Take as much care in the middle of your relationship as you did in the beginning. Work out. Put on makeup. Care about the way you look.
How to Make Your Man Feel Good - Might as Well Face Facts
Accept him for who he is. It would drive you bonkers if someone tried to change you. If there are things that he does that bug you, talk to him about it honestly. If you have a heart to heart without harping he will be much more receptive to making you happy.
How to Make Your Man Feel Good - Love Him Love His Friends
Ragging on his friends won't endear you to him. If a particular friend is a bad influence don't threaten. Calmly point out the behaviors that only take place when he is with this particular friend. Forbidding him from hanging out with his friends, as if he was a tantrum throwing teenager, is not the way to keep him happy. If the behavior is disrespectful leave.
By: Caterina ChristakosLabels: how to make man feel loved |
posted by Norhayati @ 10:05 PM  |
Love Letter Writing Guide - How to Write Romantic Love Letters |
What can be more romantic than sending a handwritten love letter to your loved one, full of romantic words and genuine feelings you have for him/her?
Love letters are one of the best ways to show your special loved ones how you feel for them and how much you love them.
A heartfelt love letter also makes the perfect gift for Valentine's Day, but you don't have to just limit yourself to that specific day. Every day is a great opportunity to make your loved one happy by sharing your deepest feelings with him/her.
The great thing about love letters is that you don't have to be a poet or a skilled "writer" to be able to write them. Everyone - and I really mean "everyone" - can do it.
Because they are just about putting your romantic feelings into words genuinely - even in very simple words. This openness is what makes love letters special.
To write a more romantic and heart warming letter, here are some questions that will give you good ideas to write about:
Idea #1: What was the first time you felt you were in love with him/her? Did anything special happen that made you realize your love?
You can describe in clear details how it happened and how you felt and it will mean the world to your loved one. I promise. :-)
Idea #2: What is the #1 thing he/she has that makes you feel so much in love with him/her whenever you think about it? It could be about looks or about personality.
For example you may say "the way her face shines when she smiles", or "the way his eyes always bring peace and love to me when I look into them."
Idea #3: What positive changes have you made since he/she has entered your life? What valuable lessons have you learned from him/her?
For example it could be that before you met him/her, you were pretty shy and didn't fully believe in yourself and your unique abilities, but he/she helped you love yourself more and be proud of who you are.
When your loved one reads this, she will practically feel on clouds because he/she sees what a big difference he/she had made in your life.
Idea #4: It's also a good idea to include a heartfelt romantic love poem at the end or the beginning of your letter. Sometimes nothing can show how we feel better and deeper than a good poem.
Idea #5: And as the last tip: Don't forget to say "I Love You" at the end of your letter. This simple yet effective sentence will really seal the deal in your loved one's mind.
Wish you a wonderful life full of loveBusiness Management Articles,
Ladan Lashkari
Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.comLabels: examples of love letters, free love letters, how to write a love letter, love letter, love letters, sample love letters |
posted by Norhayati @ 9:33 PM  |
Wednesday, March 14, 2007 |
If He/She Is Playing Hard To Get - Try A Different Approach |
Attraction and "playing hard to get" are complementary concepts, but not completely overlapping (I recommend reading my article - Can Playing Hard To Get Make You More Attractive?). While a little challenge can add some spark to any relationship (as children we hated playing hide-and-seek with those who hid in plain sight and as adults we quickly lose interest when there is no challenge), using "playing hard to get" as a basis for attraction is like playing on sinking sand.
The people I know who "play hard to get" and follow all kinds of rules about when you're supposed to call after a first date, when you are supposed to say I love you etc. are normally the least happy and seem to be the ones who have the most trouble finding good people and having lasting relationships. But so are the people who chase after people who play hard to get.
If you are in a relationship with someone playing hard to get, here are some tried-and-found-to-be-very-effective positive actions that you can take:
1. Go the way of least resistance - When resistance is the focus, it becomes even more powerful. So stop chasing him/her. If you chase a man or woman, he/she will usually run. If your intention is just to chase and not "catch" him or her, then keep chasing. But if you intention is to finally have this person in your loving arms, there is no point in chasing after him/her only for him/her to keep running. If the person is really into you and he/she realizes nobody is chasing after him/her, he/she will stop running and wait to be "caught" or start the chasing themselves.
I know stopping chasing is hard, because when things are not going the way you'd like them to go, it's easy to panic or want to act in some way to "force" it to happen. Many of us spin our wheels mentally, trying to force an outcome. But the beauty of the law of attraction is that we don't have to make things happen, we simply allow them to happen. So let go off the "how" and "when" and simply relax and allow the attraction process to unfold exactly as it will.
2. Inspire attraction not impose it - Attraction is much less concerned with breaking down resistance as it is with producing good feelings, touching deeper emotions and creating a shared bond (sense of kinship). Whatever the other person believes to be a "barrier' to having a relationship with you, he/she likely has reasons that make sense, at least to him/her. Trying to dismiss, shoot down or override his/her reasons only creates more tension and more resistance. Your explaining, arguing and convincing will not work because you are using logical solutions to an emotional need. People don't fall in love for logical reasons. They fall in love because of the emotions and then justify their decision logically.
Rather than trying to "break down" their resistance, you'll achieve more and faster by listening to his/her thoughts (words) and emotions (feelings). Their words and behaviours will often reveal the "emotional" information you need to move forward.
3. Just enjoy them - It can be hard to enjoy the other person when he or she is not responding the way you want him/her to be responding. But the more you appreciate whatever degree of attraction there is between the two of you (right -now-as-it-is), the more easily things seem to flow and the more attraction you are likely to create.
If you find yourself always chasing after men and women who are playing hard to get, then you seriously need to question your own emotional programming.
by Christine AkitengLabels: love, relationship, relationship advice, relationship help, relationship issues |
posted by Norhayati @ 6:29 PM  |
Sunday, March 11, 2007 |
For Women – 25 Clues To Know You’re Really In Love |
Still confused with your feeling? Can’t sleep at night, thinking about him but still can’t find the reason. Are you really in love or is it just a little crush? Falling in love is one of life’s greatest gift. But ironically, you often don’t know that happened until it’s too late. You’re afraid to know that what you feel inside is love – afraid to disgorge it to him – and afraid you’re going to be rejected by him. But why you have to deny your own feelings and let yourself feel the painful tightness around your chest. You felt sick when he flirts with another woman, and you wonder why your heart beat very, very fast: Your heart was broken: Only then you realize that somewhere, at sometime, you fell in love with him without knowing it. Did you ever felt this feeling before?
But why wait for a broken heart? Act before it’s too late. Being in love is something too beautiful to be ignorant about. Don’t let your love elapse by times, grab it when there’s still an opportunity, maybe he’s the one to live with you forever. Here are some clues to see if you’ve been struck by Cupid’s arrow!
LOVE #1 You become alert to his favorites
His favorite’s singer to his favorite’s football player all keeps in your mind. When he say he's really crazy about that singer, without thinking about other things you buy all the CD’s collection for him. You’re trying to listen to his songs even though you never like it. Even you never watch football match, you watch his favorites football team with hope one day you can share the same interest with him.
LOVE #2 You look for his horoscope
Of course, you’re looking for the love part. Does his star match to yours or not, or does Venus coming into orbit around his star sign anytime soon? You want to know if love is on the cards for him, is your star implicated in some way? Although you know nothing much you can hope from the zodiac sign, at least some of the match between the two of you will make you feeling more comfortable.
LOVE #3 All his jokes become funny to you
You laugh if he laughs: No matter whether his story funny or not, you still laugh as long as you can see smiles on his face. He really can do no wrong. Even his most moronic, tasteless one-liners about faces and flatulence seem to be the wittiest gags you’ve ever heard.
LOVE #4 You take a very long time to write him an SMS/email
You over worried if your words may hurt his feelings and you want to make sure you get that casual, off-hand tone just right. No mistakes and you want the best words reaching him – whether you should put smiley or not – so much things to consider, no wonder you’re having trouble sleeping.
LOVE #5 You feel weird if you don’t see or talk to him for a long time
Whether you realize it or not, you getting nerves to have conversation with him after a long weekends. You getting blur sometimes looking for words to say. All in your mind is hope to spend more time with him and looking for other chances to plans something for both of you. So, now times is very important to you.
LOVE #6 You become jealous for no reason
You hate every girl who talks to him. Even when the cashier at the bookstore gave him a cheeky smile, you call her sluts. …More to that, you can’t stand up to when other girls ask him to watch a movie. …well, why are your get jealous?
LOVE #7 You lose your appetite when he didn’t reply your SMS/call
The whole day and night you think why he didn’t replied you. So many though on your mind, and all of them mostly about bad things: What did I do wrong? Or, Did he angry with me? You can’t think logically because you’re too worried and feeling edgy so everything getting musky. It is not because you don’t have an appetite but because your mind can’t think about other thing except wondering why he didn’t call you back.
LOVE #8 You google him
You try every way to find any information about him to know more about him. Surf an internet looking for his name - and lucky you if you can find something about him. Hopefully his name as famous as Donald Trump so easier for you to find anything remotely related to your man online . Failing which, you log on to the website of the company he works.
LOVE #9 No one else can rock your boat anymore
Either Leonardo Dicaprio or Orlando Bloom, both can’t attract your interest anymore. Did you grown up girl? Or your heart just stolen by someone else; one beautiful ordinary people that make your life rockin’ everyday.
LOVE #10 Girlfriends are not your priority
No more Friday night or girl’s weekend anymore. All you do is sitting down at home waiting for his call to bring you out. You just want to make sure when he’s call, you’re free and ready to have a date any time, so just for him you turn down your gal pal’s invitation for some girlie time together. Well, hopefully he calls you. And why don’t you call him?
LOVE #11 Your body is a prime concern
You start take care of your weight, your body curve, and your cup size, don’t you? You heard that men are attracted to sexy women especially the one with great body and nice breast? What do you think girl? Research says that men like breast because it soft, comforting, curvy, erotic. It symbolizes every female. So, what’s wrong with you wanting to be as female as possible?
LOVE #12 You worry about your mobile phone reception
You try to avoid go to places where your phone can’t be reach. Every way you go, you check your phone to make sure there is at least one receptionist bar. Afraid that you will miss his call, the call you’ve been waiting for all the time.
LOVE #13 You're suddenly interested with football
What’s EPL? Maybe before this you never care what it is, but not now. You start to find something more about this: start turning to the back page of the newspapers and watching sports news to see what’s going on in the English Premier League and it’s not just because David Beckham.
LOVE #14 You start learn how to cook
Every woman that fall in love, always shows their interest in cooking. Who know, you might need to cook something up for a visiting guest…an important visiting guest. So, you can show him you have ability to have a family – good mother and perfect wife.
LOVE #15 You read articles like this one in my blog
If you looking for articles like this and eager to read it, means that you already suspect you might be in love. You need an expert doctor to help you diagnosis what actually happen to you. Well, now you know what’s your feeling tell you don’t wait any longer. Chase for your dream guy while it’s not too late.
LOVE #16 You start dreaming about having a baby with him
No wonder lately you really like baby. Only women in love and ready to have a family and future will have a feeling to have their own baby and of course with their love one.
LOVE #17 Romantic comedies have always been your first choices
You conquer all romantic comedy dramas on TV, buy new romantic DVD’s and go watching romantic movies alone because all your friends already know it must be romantic movies again and they don’t want to miss their chances to watch another type of movie again and again. Not enough with that, you look for old DVD’s which more dramatics and romantic as long as it has a happy lovely ending and you don’t care watching it for many times.
LOVE #18 You always grab any opportunities to take a photo with him
Any moment, or at any occasions – at parties, shopping malls or a dinner, you always trying to find an excuse to get into a shot with him…alone. And if there’s no camera, well, a camera phone will do just as nicely – as long as you got his pictures standing besides you.
LOVE #19 You won’t go anywhere during weekends
Everyone start to plan their weekends but you wonder what you’re going to do. Of course, you think about to spend some times with him. You even couldn’t sleep on lazy Sundays because you’re too worry he’s going to call you or not. It seems like you waiting for some Christmas gift from Santa. Don’t you?
LOVE #20 You doodle his name all over
When you hold a pen and paper, your hand unconsciously doodle his name, sometimes with little floating hearts around it. And is that your name that you’re doodling beside his? Any doctor will take this as a sure-fire symptom of love sickness.
LOVE #21 Shopping times…and end up in the men’s aisle
While you shop for your lipstick, suddenly your head turn to men’s section – and you automatically work towards to the sections and start checking out for tie, t-shirt, cap and other men accessories. Before long, you’re trying to match his outfits to yours.
LOVE #22 You become a defender to him
When you have conversation with your friends and he’s not around, you bring his name to become a main topic. And when anyone of your friends put him down, you jump to his defence. Obviously, he’s important to you and only good things you want to hear about him.
LOVE #23 He's your idol
You admire him more than anyone else: his styles, how he talks to others and the way him playing guitar. You want to intimate everything about him – music, movies, clothes, food, sports…and whatever you can see from him. He likes a movie star to you and everything about him is special. If he like plays a piano, so you try to take lessons especially from him. You felt happy when you can involve in something he likes.
LOVE #24 You become a romantic person
From the words you wrote to the way you talk to him, there’s sign of flirting. And of course you try to cover so it doesn’t look too obvious but deep inside you heart you hope that he’s been able to read between the lines. Don’t worry girl, be frank and he will see how deep is your love.
LOVE #25 His little sister makes you jealous
Well, something really serious happen here. How come? If this is not enough of a clue that you’re in love, what is? Take your time, if you have more than half of the clues, follow your heart and act before he's pounce by another women.
By Liliana Weston
How to Make a Man Feel Loved
10 Things Never to Say to A GuyLabels: love, love hints, relationship, relationship advice, relationship issues |
posted by Norhayati @ 7:35 AM  |
Thursday, March 8, 2007 |
Dating Advice: Indecisive To Focused In 5 Steps |
You are a single woman who is frustrated because your life and relationships are humdrum and mundane. Time to make some changes. What are you really passionate about? What makes your heart sing? Are you waiting for a relationship to make your life begin? It's time to step out of your comfort zone and begin to live a life that has energy and momentum.
Step 1 - Move out of Indecisive
As a single coach many of the women I speak to are indecisive about their lives and particularly about relationships. They seem to be in a rut and don't know how to find the time, energy or focus to have it be different.
Ask yourself the question; is my life as I would like it to be? Do I have a picture of how I want my life to look in a year, 2 years, 5 years? I suggest that if you want you life to be different you first have to start with your own vision. Part of this vision will probably include a relationships. So Step 1 is to build your vision, give yourself time and space to do this - get yourself a notebook, look at all areas of your life, including relationships, and write down how you would life to look.
Step 2 - Moving from trying to doing
Part of the problem for single women is that you do not know how to make the changes in your attitudes and actions. Quite a lot of the time I hear women say that they will 'try' to do something. Have you ever just tried to pick up a cup? Just trying ends in failure because you will not complete the action.
So now you have a vision how are you going to make this happen? How are you going to convert trying into doing? Step 2 is about learning not just to dip your toe in the water but to make the first step. Look at the work you have done on your vision and ask yourself what is the one thing I can do today which will move me towards that vision? This action will often be very small but it is a step taken and achieved.
Step - 3 Change
Change is not half-hearted, it has energy and dynamism. It is about having a headline for your life that says "I know where I am heading and I am walking in that direction". So in Step 2 I talked about taking the first steps. Although these may be small at first the aim is for you to get your life in motion and find more energy for yourself.
Step 3 is about how to find that energy. If you want to achieve lasting change in your life you are going to have to feel successful in the steps you are taking. What are you really passionate about that you are not doing now? What makes your heart sing? I suggest you concentrate on those areas of life that will bring you the biggest gains first. That means don't necessarily look at the relationship part first, look at those parts that you can achieve on your own.
Step 4 - Commitment to yourself first
Guess what, you need to fix your life first and a relationship that you desire will follow. This sounds like a tall order but I can assure you it works like that. Your first commitment is to yourself and getting all the pieces of your life in order so that you can have the future that you desire.
How can you keep that commitment? Step 4 is you putting your agenda at the top of your list of priorities. This is not about being selfish but about being self-focused and self-disciplined. Take the situation when you have promised yourself that you will do a particular task that will move you towards your vision. A friend phones, she is lonely and would like to meet for a drink. It is easy for you to give up on your task after all you want to be a good friend but it is more important to remind yourself about your priorities. After all you can meet her tomorrow night. So don't put off those things that move you further down your path.
Step 5 - Making a plan and sticking to it.
It is so easy to let life get in the way and find yourself back where you were. Therefore the most important part is having a plan for your life and for relationships that will keep you focused on moving forward.
My suggestion is that Step 5 is for you draw up a plan. It will have different areas for the different parts of your life. Then ask yourself what can I do this week, this month, this 6 months to move forward? Now it is time to make appointments with yourself, but your tasks in your diary. Be kind to yourself and don't make them too big or too many just slow and steady. See yourself being successful in ticking them off week by week.
By: The Singles Coach Trisha StoneLabels: dating advice, dating advice for women |
posted by Norhayati @ 7:41 PM  |
Monday, March 5, 2007 |
Where To Take A Girl On A First Date |
I feel sorry for attractive women. They get asked out so many times, but all their dates are the same: dinner, drinks, cinema. It must get old pretty quickly.
But this is an opportunity for some clever and creative guys out there, because if they can do some different stuff, it will be very attractive. It will also usually cost less! Where does a creative guy take a girl on a first date? Here's my best first date ideas:
1. Activity-based dates
An activity based date is where you meet and do something pretty exciting. It is great fun for her, but afterwards you should also go for a drink or sit down somewhere so that you can connect with her. She'll be much more open to it after a fun date. What are some examples of a good activity-based date?
-The fair.
-The games arcade. No not to play Tekken. Do physical games like the dancing games, racing games, and if she is a bit tough, the punching games.
-Play a sport or game of table tennis, table football, darts, pool, badminton, or even trampolining.
-Go to a class together: Dancing (Salsa is good), pranayama, massage. If it is something you wanted to try already, even better.
-Fly a kite.
2. Nature-based date
Girls love animals and nature. Design a nature based date and it should be a memorable experience. Examples would be:
-Feeding the ducks and squirrels in the park. -A boat trip up the river. -The zoo (make sure she doesn't morally object). -The aquarium..
3. Interest-based date
If she has expressed an interest in a certain area like art, history, or foreign films, take her on a date that matches this interest.
4. Tourist Stuff
It's amazing how many City-dwellers haven't done the famous tourist stuff in their city. Casually find out if she has been to Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, or whatever your local attraction is. Chances are neither of you have so it will make a great first date.
5. Buy a Local Events Guide
There are all kinds of cool events going on in big cities all the time. Things like food festivals, charity concerts, and street parties. Find one that sounds cool and go together.
By having an activity or something else as the focus of the date, it takes a lot of pressure off the interaction. By the time you sit down to talk, you will have a fun shared experience and she will already be more open to you. If you have taken a girl on a date like this, chances are she'll be telling all her friends about the great time she had, and she'll definitely be sold on seeing you again.
By: Richard La RuinaLabels: relationship, relationship advice, symbiotic relationships |
posted by Norhayati @ 11:01 PM  |